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This tea is a miracle tea! Drink when you feel any pain, muscle pain, gout, any type of joint pain.
Herbal based ingredients formulated to ease pain relief.
Known for alleviating pain, aches & allergies. When you feel any pain in body especially for joints, pour into a cup, pour hot water about 250-350ml and mix & stir for a few seconds. Also, you can make it as a cold beverage. But drinking it hot will be better for the effect. It has a bitter taste so it is also recommended to add honey or sugar accordingly for taste adjustments. Use 1 bag each serving.
Ingredients: Wolfberry, Jewel vine, Sea holly, Thistleplike, Java tea, Kidney tea plant.
Warning: This product is not a medicine and is not intended to diagnose or treat any illness. Must be 21 and older to use. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
For those interested in purchasing Organic Thai Tapee Tea in wholesale quantities, we offer wholesale discounts.
Contact us at 1-800-721-4037 or email [email protected] for exclusive wholesale pricing.